Welcome to the live weather station for Dunstable, UK

Latest Forecast:
Increasing clouds with little temperature change.
Current weather conditions:

Current Conditions

Conditions at 23:50 on 26 July 2024. Conditions updated every 10 minutes, 8am to midnight.

Temperature and Humidity
Temperature 16.2 °C Dew Point 10.7 °C
Temperature Change in Last Hour -0.7 °C Temperature Trend -0.8 °C - Falling
Windchill 16.2 °C Humidity 70%
Heat Index 16.2 °C Apparent Temperature 15.8 °C
Rainfall Today 0.2 mm Current Rainfall Rate 0.0 mm/hr
Rainfall This Month 79.6 mm Rainfall This Year 509.4 mm
Rainfall Last Hour 0.0 mm Last rainfall 21:34 on Fri 26 July
Wind Speed (gust) 4.0 mph Wind Speed (avg) 2.0 mph
Wind Bearing 244° WSW Beaufort F1 Light air
Barometer  1012.09 mb Rising slowly 0.37 mb/hr
Powered by Cumulus v1.9.4 (1098)